WALKING THE ROAD TO FREEDOM – A biography of Sojourner Truth
Written by Jeri Chase Ferris
Illustrated by Peter E. Hanson
Published by Millbrook Press, Lerner Books, Minneapolis
First published in 1988, now in its 24th printing
Winner of the Carter G. Woodson Award for “most distinguished book written for young readers depicting ethnic diversity in the United States”
Included in the Guide to Great Books for Children and Teens
California Readers Collection
Available at Barnes & Noble and on Amazon
WALKING THE ROAD TO FREEDOM is the story of Belle, a slave in New York State who spoke Dutch. Did you know there were Dutch-speaking black slaves in New York?? How did she get her beautiful new name, Sojourner Truth? And what about her famous "Ain't I a Woman?" speech?
The New York Times says about GO FREE OR DIE and WALKING THE ROAD TO FREEDOM, "The lives of [Harriet Tubman and Sojourner Truth] are well presented in books by Jeri Ferris. ... Their courage, daring, independence and perseverance are presented in a way that demonstrates their importance and appeal." - New York Times Book Review