GO FREE OR DIE – A biography of Harriet Tubman
Written by Jeri Chase Ferris
Illustrated by Karen Ritz
Published by Carolrhoda Books, Inc., Minneapolis
First published in 1988, now in 18th hardcover printing
Harriet Tubman is famous for her work with the Underground Railroad, leading hundreds of slaves to freedom. But she was a slave herself. How did SHE become free? What else did she do? GO FREE OR DIE has the answers.
“[In Go Free or Die Harriet Tubman’s] courage, daring, independence and perseverance are presented in a way that demonstrates [her] importance and appeal. . . . [Tubman’s] willingness to risk everything [she] had to help others will encourage young readers to wonder at the mystery of [her] strength and, with a little guidance, to look inside themselves.” New York Times Book Review
Available at Barnes & Noble and on Amazon